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Of Paxton Township in the County of Lancaster To Detroit Fur Traders and Metis involved in Final Peace (Their words not mine)

    Of Paxton Township in the County of Lancaster To Detroit Fur Traders and Metis involved in Final Peace with Indian Nations, with interesting Family connections to the history. Livers with the Indians before the American Revolution

   Alexander McKenzie employed in the Indian Department as Interpreter and Messenger to the Pottawatomies of St Joseph's and the Neighbouring Villages, Having left Detroit where I found Pepan and Baptiste SansCrainte inhabitants of the settlement of Detroit they informed me they had just arrived from Fort Wayne and that the only News there was the intention of the American Army to come to Detroit on the Opening of the Navigation in the spring I prevailed on those two to come with me to Kekalamasoe Burrell's where I met an Indian Chief of the Chippewas called the Bad Bird he had been at Fort Greenville and returned hither with Pepan and Sanscrainte His information to me was that Williams and Zeans with a few Wyandot from Sandusky were with General Wayne when he was there and that Williams in Council spoke as follows, " We have come from Sandusky to see you or Brothers and to give you our hands and to let you know we are the first Nation and the commanding Nation And that we can bring all the other Nations here to make a general peace with you we have come to remain with you Brothers and you will point out to us a place to sit upon until you rise or want our help We will send for all the other nations to come and make a final peace we will assist you against the English the Governor and the White Elk or any Forces that may come against you or any of the Nations that refuse to join us"


   Alexander McKee was a native of Pennsylvania who engaged in the Indian trade
and in 1772 was appointed deputy agent of Indian Affairs at Fort Pitt. When the
Revolution came on McKee sympathized with the British government. In 1777 he
was imprisoned by General Hand. Being released on parole, he fled to Detroit in the
spring of 1778, in company with Simon Girty and Matthew Elliott. In the same year
he was appointed captain in the British Indian Department, and before long was given
the rank of deputy agent, and subsequently became superintendent of Indian Affairs
at Detroit. In 1789 he was made a member of the Land Board of the District of Hesse.
McKee was an inveterate foe of the Americans and had much to do with inciting the
Indians to war against them. The Battle of Fallen Timbers in August, 1794, was
fought in the immediate vicinity of his trading establishment on the Maumee, and
at its conclusion Wayne proceeded to raze his property. The day before the battle
McKee, intending to participate in it, made his will. A copy of this will is now in the
Burton Hist. Coll. McKee removed to River Thames upon the American occupation
of Detroit, and died there of lockjaw on January 13, 1799. See Riddell, Life of William
Dummer Powell, 163; Thwaites and Kellogg, Revolution on Upper Ohio, 74-75; Mich.
Pio. Colls., passim; and mss. in Burton Hist. Coll., passim.

   Simon Girty was born in Pennsylvania in 1741. At the age of fifteen he was
captured by the Seneca and lived among them as a prisoner for three years. He subsequently acted as an interpreter, and in this capacity served in Lord Dunmore's
campaign. Loyalist in his sympathies, Girty in the spring of 1778 accompanied Alexander McKee and Matthew Elliot on their flight from Pittsburgh to Detroit. Girty,
like Elliot and McKee, became a notable leader of the Indians in the Northwest in
their warfare with the Americans. For some reason Simon Girty was regarded by the Americans with greater detestation than any other of their foes, and he seems to have returned their feeling in full measure. In the summer of 1784, Girty married
Catherine Malott, who had been living for several years as a captive of the Delaware
tribe in Ohio, and established a home a short distance below Amherstburg. For a
decade longer he continued to lead, or encourage, the western Indians in their warfare with the Americans, but this phase of his career was definitely closed by Wayne's victory at Fallen Timbers and the peace which followed it. Save for a considerable period of exile during the War of 1812, when the Americans were in control of Amherstburg, Girty continued to reside here until his death, Feb. 18, 1818. For an exhaustive account of his career see Consul W. Butterfield, History of the Girtys . . .
(Cincinnati, 1890).

   Mary raised by Shawnee Indians

   [10045] Book of McKee, p 157, pg 430 states: "Charles A. Hanna in his The Wilderness Trail surmises Thomas McKee's wife to have been white." Bishop Cammerhoff, a Moravian minister, states in his journal: "January 12, 1748. . . at nine o'clock we reached Thomas McKee's , the last settlement on the river below Shamokin. . .His wife, who was brought up among the Indians, speaks but little English.. . .He is recovering from a serious sickness and is still feeble. . .he also asked Powell to request me to baptize his child on my return."

   She was probably raised by Shawanoe Chief Kishacoquillas, who died at Thomas McKee's place in the summer of 1754.

Book of McKee, p 157

   pg 435 states: "I have the entire account of how Thomas McKee was captured by Indians in the Western part in Virginia. She [his later wife] understood their language and heard them plotting to kill Thomas. She went to him and told him she would help him to escape if he would take her with hm and marry her. Thomas McKee with her rode 48 hours without stopping and as we know in the family he married a white woman we presume this was she....Thomas McKee evidently did not regard his connections with Indian women as legal marriages...I have a number of family letters never published in which Alexander addresses James as brother. Also the Authorities of the day acknowledged James as the legal son of Thomas and gave him all the land Thomas had owned....My mother knew very well her grandfather Alexander McKee who was the son of James McKee...and he told her this family history and also said that James had said his mother was a white woman...Mary McKee (wife of Captain Thomas McKee...) could only make a mark for her name...there were at least 6 children by Indian women."

   Page 438 states: "I Mary McKee, Widow and Relict of Thomas McKee late of Paxton Township in the County of Lancaster Yeoman Deceased do hereby Relinquish all my Right of Administration on the Estate of my said Late Husband and do agree, as far as in me lies that letters of Administration be granted on the said Estate to my son Alexander McGee."

   Tomas Mckee Of Paxton township signs as executor on John Powell's d 1748 will, John Powell of Paxton's Father William Powell (Welsh) first purchaser (Penn) 1200 was my Mother's ancestor as stated in Welsh and German Friends Pioneer

Tomas McKee's son Alexander Indian agent above was appointed captain in the British Indian Department, and before long was given
the rank of deputy agent, and subsequently became superintendent of Indian Affairs at Detroit.
   Alexander McKenzie employed in the Indian Department as Interpreter and Messenger to the Pottawatomies at Detroit with Bapt. SansCrainte

John Powell is My 7th Great Grandfather on my mother's side, Bapt.Sanscrainte is my 6th Great Grandfather on my father's side

Kevin Lajiness,

Conservation History - Virtual Exhibit - NCTC Cultural HistoryA John Powell was charged with inviting the Indians, and was "to go to Shuano .... which encompassed an area extending from the mouth of the Monocacy River
Charles Mounts Anderson, early explorer and operator of an Indian trading post on the Monocacy River near present-day Frederick, Maryland, was asked by the Maryland Assembly to provide a meeting place at his home for a council with a local Indian tribe. A John Powell was charged with inviting the Indians, and was "to go to Shuano town on Potomack, commonly called Opessa’s Town”; he was provided calico shirts and scarlet worsted stockings to be used as gifts to help induce the Indians to attend. The purpose of the proposed council was to negotiate with the Shawnee over returning slaves they had been harboring - but the Shuano (Shawnee) Indians chose not to show up on the appointed date, and Anderson’s partner Israel Friend was sent back to invite them to visit Annapolis instead (Archives of Md, vol. 25 p 443, 451). Opessa’s Town is now called Oldtown, located on the Potomac River between Hancock and Cumberland, Maryland, about 50 miles west of Shepherdstown. Charles Anderson had been in the Indian trading business since at least 1712, when he was recorded as entering into a lawsuit in Cecil Co, Maryland, with the widow of Indian trader Jacque LeTort, who lived at the Indian town at Conestoga, Pennsylvania (see Diller, n.d). Charles Anderson had been involved with negotiations over these same slaves since at least 1722 when the Maryland Council, hearing he was in Annapolis, had asked him to go to the Shuano town (Oldtown) with gifts of coats and socks, and a promise of a "chain of friendship" for "so long as the sun and moon shall endure," especially if they would give the slaves back (Md Archives, vol 25, p. 395).


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