RENEGADE SOLDIER with and Indian bride what made you go to
there side
Was it because you were one of them fight for freedom they
But they burn you out of house and home one day
You can’t live with the red man trading furs on your land
Even though your mom is one of them and you were raised the
They pick and choose in this game but you cant fool Simon
Girty my friend
He warned the rest of them the want your land there not your
They do what they can they do what they did to me then they
call you the enemy
When you flee long black hair with black eyes your face on
the side of Girtys cliff
Was your home was you wish they took away even your pride
They say you’re the worst man alive but when the six nations
Convened on the Maumee You were the only white man there to be
soldier with and Indian bride
What made you go to there side
Just in case you would want to argue the point, according to Indian custom and tradition when you are raised by them or adopted into the tribe you are one of them, the content of you blood is of no signification, that what a colonial thing used to disclude people. Simon Girty was born on Indian land and was an Indian before he decided to help the rebels with interpretation, when he fled he was going back to his own people, they recognized that, Historians made the families of fur trading dynasties the fall guys, when many helped the rebels,I have father and son on opposite sides on more than one occasion basically for the same reasons,This is not an anti American song, this is a pro Indian, and Indian/Interpreter/Fur trader song,after all they really were the original Americans Here.