Potawatomi Warriors
Missions and Métis Compiled By Kevin Lajiness 1660-1750. 1660 the Potawatomi were agricultural, and their movement south after 1680 was most likely motivated by a desire for better soil.
Nicolas PERROT d’ ABLANCOURT (1606-1664) was made member of the Academie Francaise in 1637 in Seat 20. In 1670 he was sent to the West by Frontenac to take formal possession for France.
The Algonkin remained important French allies until the French and Indian War (1755-63) and the summer of 1760. By then, the British had captured Quebec and were close to taking the last French stronghold at Montreal.
In 1665 Father Allouez, the founder of the principal western missions.
By 1665 all of the Potawatomi were living on Wisconsin's Door Peninsula.
About the year 1665 the French made peace with the Iroquois, and Lake Ontario and Lake Erie were opened up to settlers.
French estimated there were about 4,000 in 1667. All Potawatomi bands had gathered into four villages near Green Bay.
Cadillac ,convinced the French government to establish a fort Fort(Ponchartrain) and settlement at Detroit and set out in 1701 to accomplish.
The Ojibwe pushed down both sides of Lake Huron and by 1701 controlled most of lower
Michigan and southern Ontario.
Shortly after the French built Fort Ponchartrain at Detroit in 1701, groups of Potawatomi settled nearby.
Early Ontario RecordsVillage is an account of the settling of Detroit by the French in the years 1701 -1710. It includes directories of the original town in 1708
Detroit, which had been under French rule since 1701, surrendered to a British force in 1760, the year following the fall of Quebec.
Marquis de Vaudreuil who became Governor of Canada on August 1st 1703. In those days, Vaudreuil commandered several offensives against the English.
A suspicious fire broke out on October 5, 1703 in one of the barns, destroying the bastion, as well as Ste. Anne’s.
With the new church, a new official registry was started on February 2, 1704, with the baptism of Cadillac's infant daughter.
Pierre Du Roy, wife Marguerite Ouabankikoue (Miami Indian) d-1732.
Winters arrived and with fur traders' canoes sliding past the river outpost. By 1706 the fort not
only boasted the church, but it had a barracks for troops.
Launched work on the third Ste. Anne church in 1708.
Early Ontario Records(the French in the years 1701 -1710.) It includes directories of the original town in 1708 as well one as of everyone who lived in or visited the town in that period.
Roy, Marie Magdeleine, daughter of Pierre Roy, born May 25, 1710. She married Pierre Chesne dit La Butte, and died Oct, 20, 1732, aged 22
Jacques Rene de Brisay, Marquis de Denonville (1637-1710) governor of New France, in 1688 claimed some French are residing at Michillimackinac.
1710 FORT PONTCHARTRAIN du DETROIT 1700 -1710 Pierre Roy, was living among the Indians before Cadillac arrived, has a little slave Jacques Panis age 7-8 yrs.
Sagimah /Saguima [means medicine man in Odawa language; fl. 1707-1712] Odawa war chief from Michilimakinac; French ally.
Native Americans to side with the French against the [3] Spanish. In 1712 as Cadillac was removed under a cloud of greed and replaced by Dubuisson.
Cadillac finally came to Isle Dauphine (now Dauphin Island, Alabama) on June 5, 1713 to serve as Governor General of Louisiana. Cadillac built a large palisaded home in the area.
St. Anne’Spossesses one of the longest continuous church records in the United States. In 1714, the church was razed by the people of Fort Ponchartrain themselves.
Sieur de Bourgmont publishes first report on explorations of the Missouri River. 1714: Natchitoches, the oldest permanent settlement in Louisiana, is founded by Louis Juchereau.
1715: The French establish Fort Michilimackinac at the Straits of Mackinac.
Jean Olivier Briand, seventh bishop of Quebec, was born in 1715, ordained to the priesthood in 1739, and came to Canada as secretary of Bishop Pontbriand.
Fort Ponchartrain at Detroit in 1701, groups of Potawatomi settled nearby. By 1716 most Potawatomi villages were located in a area between Milwaukee to Detroit.
Natchitoches the oldest permanent settlement in Louisiana, is founded by Louis Juchereau de St. Denis. 1717: Official drafting of blacks begins in Louisiana. 1718: New Orleans is founded.
Francois-Marie Bissot was the son of Jean-Baptiste Bissot, Sieur de Vincennes. Jean-Baptiste was born in Quebec in 1688 and became Commandant of Post Miamis (present-day Fort Wayne, Indiana) in 1696. Francois-Marie, at age 18, joined his father in 1718. Upon the death of Jean-Baptiste in 1719, Francois-Marie took over his father's duties and responsibilities, becoming the next Sieur de Vincennes.
Nicholas ,born in 1776. CHESNE Chesne appears in the history of Detroit as early as 1717, in the records of Ste. Anne's parish. Pierre ,who married in 1676 in Montreal.
Pontiac or Obwandiyag (c. 1720 –April 20, 1769) was an Ottawa leader who became famous for his role in Pontiac's Rebellion.
Jean Romain dir Sanscrainte, born in the parish of St. Martial, Angouleme, France, in 1696, came to Canada and married at Montreal June 30, 1722, Mary Joseph Leblanc. The bride was the daughter of Julian Leblanc and Ann Vanier, and was born at Charlesbourg, June’ 7, 1693.
Ste. Anne de Detroit Catholic Churchchurch went for periods of time without a regular parish priest. In 1722 Father Bonaventure Lienard arrived for an assignment that would last thirty-two years.
Liste éclairAngoumois 1 1696 1696 ROMAN\SANSCRAINTE\JARRY Eure France -Notre-Dame,Montreal, 1 1722 1722 QUEBEC Mississippi Etats Unis d'Amérique -1 1737 1737 Montreal,Ile-de-Montreal.
Jean Baptiste Romain dii Sanscrainre, son of Jean Romain and Mary Joseph Leblanc, was born at Montreal, May 16, 1723, and married there, Feb. 25, 1754, Susanne Amable Deneau, daurhter of Andrew Deneau and Frances Boyer.
That church, which was located outside of the palisade, was torched in 1711 for defensive purposes during an uprising of the Fox Indians from Wisconsin. In 1723, Fr. Lienhard restored Ste. Anne’s. A fifth Ste. Anne’s was consecrated in 1755 and spared eight years later by a brilliant Ottawa chief, Pontiac, who had great respect for the white man’s God.
1723: New Orleans becomes the official capital of French Louisiana.
Pierre Moyne d'Iberville was governor of Louisiana from 1699 to 1702 His brother succeeded him from 1702 to 1713, and he himself was again governor from 1716 to 1724 and from 1733 to 1743.
January 7, 1760, I, * * * received the mutual consent of and gave the nuptial benediction to michel Boier and to josette margueritte de lignon, after the publication of three bans--in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and of others in attendance.
M. L. Lefranc , Miss. Of the society of Jesus. Mr. Lamarque; michelle Boyer; jean romain dit Sanscrainte; sejourne; Bourassa; farly; langlade; la faintessie; René Bourassa , fils; Bourassa; Langlade; amable Chaboilllez; rené bourassa , petit-fils.
In 1726, the government of Louisiana made plans to fortify the Wabash and Ohio River valleys by building a fort on the lower Wabash (Ouabache) River.
Rene Boucher, sieur de La Perriere: On 6 june 1727 the First Sioux Trading Company is formed in Montreal, with the company including; Beauharnois, Longueuil, Lacorne, d'Aigremont, St.George, Dupre, Youville, Dillay-Dumay, Marin, Petit, Garreau, Campeau, de May, Richard, Jean Bte.Boucher de Montbrun & Francois Boucher de Montbrun. Between May & June the following were hired for the "poste des Sioux": Estienne Blot, Francois Poulin de Francheville, Francois Lefebrve, Louis Lapron, Claude Marin, & Charles Boissel. On 16 june, the trading expedition sets out from Montreal with Rene Boucher, sieur de La Perriere (Commander), Pierre Boucher de Boucherville (Rene's nephew) [Consolidated Docket] , La Jemeraye, Maurice Menard (interpreter), Jesuit Rev.Michael Guignas & Jesuit Rev.Nicolas de Gonner.
Its origin is connected with a mission of Hurons or Wyandottes
which was founded in 1728 by Father Armand de la Richardie, a
Jesuit, who had previously started a mission of the Hurons at
Detroit to the number of six hundred, all of whom he had converted.
In 1803 the parish was called the Assumption of La Pointe-de-Montreal
or L'Assumption du Detroit.
Chesne, Pierre. Son of shove Pierre Chesne. He had two wives; first on May 25, 1728, he married Marie Magdellne Roy,
a daughter of Pierre Roy; this marriage took place at Fort St. Phillipe, village of the Miamis. She died of smallpox Oct. 20, 1732, and in 1726 he married his second wife, Louise Barrois, daughter of Francois Lothenane dit Barrois; and Marianne Sauvage. Pierre Chesne was an interpreter and sometimes called La Butte. He was born about 1697.
February 24: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Marie Catherine daughter (III)-Pierre Chesne dit Labutte born 1729 and (IV)-Marie Anne Cuillerier born 1730.
Suzanne Amable Deneau, bap 31 Aug 1729 Montral PQ; d. after 10 Aug 1784.
January 1, British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Catherine Bourdeau daughter (III)-Joseph Bourdeau dit L'Lle-Ronde, habitant de la Cote Nord-est, born 1730, died 1793 married 1760 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (III)-Marie Louise Clermont et Dvbord born 1645 daughter Louis Clermont; Catherine married January 28, 1793 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Augustin Lafoy.
Suzanne Amable8 Deniau, bap 31 Aug 1729 Montral PQ; d. after 10 Aug 1784.
A prominent family of Detroit, whose ancestor arrived there in 1730. Thérèse Bondy afterwards married Col. Jacques Godefroy of Detroit.
Antoine Laumet, dit de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac (March 5, 1658 –October 15, 1730).
Louisiana (New France) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNew France. In the 1660s, the colony was royal property. Between 1712 and 1731, the French possession came under the control of Antoine Crozat ,a rich businessman
The French government established the Poste on the Ouabache in 1731. The fort was finished in 1732 and the Sieur de Vincennes officially founded the site.
Forts of Vincennes, Indiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaacting under the authority of the French colony of Louisiana, constructed the fort in 1731-1732. The outpost was designed to secure the lower Wabash Valley for France.
Hurons first missionary was Father Armand de la Richardi who arrived at Detroit in
1728. After several years of discouragement he was successful in converting
most of them. A report made in 1733 states that a church and a house for the
priest had been built.
War broke out between the French and the Chickasaw in 1733. In 1735, Louisiana Governor Bienville made plans to trap the Chickasaws between the forces of the French and Indians and rid the Mississippi Valley of British traders. Vincennes was to join Pierre d'Arteguette (commandant of the northern army, from Fort de Chartres) and eventually meet up with Bienville's army. D'Arteguette set out with the assembled forces, not having received the message that Bienville had to delay his march. D'Argaguette and Vincennes arrived at the Prud'homme Bluffs, received a report of the delay and made plans to attack an isolated Chickasaw camp. Instead, they were overcome by a surprise force of 400-500 Chickasaws. D'Artaguette, Vincennes and Father Antoine Senat (a Jesuit priest) were captured, totured and burned at the stake.
It was named Fort Vincennes in honor of Vincennes, who was captured and burned at the stake during a war with the Chickasaw nation in 1735. In 1736, Louis Groston de Bellerive de St. Ange assumed command of the post.
Marianne , who married in 1734 to Pierre Belleperche the son of Pierre and Gertrude(Du-Buisson Guyon) , said to be a relative of Cadillac.
Chesne appears in the history of Detroit as early as 1717, in the
records of Ste. Anne's parish. Pierre, who married in 1676 in Montreal, to Jeanne Bailly, and had two sons, Charles and Pierre, who came to Detroit in 1717. They both
occupied active positions in the colony. Pierre Chesne the other son to arrive in Detroit, married in 1728 to Madelieine Roy, also in 1736 to Louise Lothman de Barrois. Pierre was also called La Butte, though St Onge was the proper title. Many of his descendants were only known as La Butte. He also held office as an interpreter for a number of years. All of his children died unmarried except Pierre Toussainte. He died in 1774, and his wife Agathe, remarried to William Sterling.
The Ojibwe Following the French fur trade west during the 1720s, they moved beyond Lake Superior and into a war with the Dakota (Sioux) in 1737.
ROMAN\SANSCRAINTE Marie-Louise (1737 Montreal,,,Ile-de-Montreal,QUEBEC)
Charles Robin, born at St. Thomas, Canada, in 1738, married Marie Anne Roy, died at Kaskaskia, June 8, 1779.
ASKIN (Erskine) JOHN ,fur trader, merchant, office holder, and militia officer; b. 1739 in Aughnacloy (Northern Ireland) son of James Askin, a shopkeeper, and Alice Rea.
Olivier Briand, seventh bishop of Quebec, was born in 1715, ordained to the priesthood in 1739, and came to Canada as secretary of Bishop Pontbriand.
The movement of families across the Susquehanna River, into the western regions that had not been formally purchased from the Indians began around 1740.
Father Richardi followed the Hurons to Sandusky, and by 1741 had persuaded them to return to Detroit and the village at the mouth of the river.
Louise Clotilde who was born in 1741 and married in 1758 to Jacques Godefroy de Marbeouf. She died in 1762, leaving one son, Gabriel.
The Piankeshaw granted over 1 1/2 million acres in the area to the French in 1742. Father Sebastian Meurin arrived in Vincennes in 1749 and supervised the construction of a log church, St. Xavier.
In 1742 the Huron village was removed to Bois Blanc Island, opposite Amherstburg
Father Peter Potier,the last of the Jesuit missionaries to the Huron Indians, 1744-1781.Father Potier survived the French Government in Canada, and underBritish rule exercised the functions of the first pastor of the
parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, Sandwich.
The 334-page roster of births, deaths, baptisms, marriages and other church benchmarks from 1704 to 1744 now rests in the archives of the Archdiocese of Detroit. church registry was devoted to the baptisms of Native Americans, principally members of the Huron Nation.
Pontiac was an Ottawa war leader by 1747, when he allied himself with New France against a resistance movement led by Nicholas Orontony, a Huron leader. Pontiac continued to support the French during the French and Indian War (1754–1763).
On May 20, 1747, some Hurons under Chief Nicolas killed five French. men near Grosse Isle whom they caught stealing furs.
American seaboard colonies, who organized the Ohio Company in 1747 for the purpose of extending the Virginia settlements westward.
John Powell from Paxtang PA (Will 1748, witnessed by Thomas McKee And john Allison Indian traders)
The Hurons, who were not in sympathy with the conspiracy,sent a delegation to the Governor at Quebec, requesting that Father Richardi,who had great control over the Indians, be sent to the mission. The Governoragreed, and the expedition left on August 23, reaching Detroit on October20. Chief Nicolas having died the conspiracy soon ended, and order was oncemore restored. The Commandant decided that he could maintain bettercontrol of the Indians if they were nearer the fort, and ordered Father Potierto leave the village at Bois Blanc and establish it at Point de Montréal, on thesouth side of the river. This was in the fall of 1747. The location of thevillage and mission at Bois Blanc is distinctly marked on a map by M. deLery, junior, dated 1752, on which is the following notation: “In this vicinityvillages of the Hurons, abandoned in 1748.” The First Church at Point de Montreal. This log church was completed in the fall of 1750. The Governor atQuebec was anxious to have the Hurons settled in the new location, and inorder to assist in the undertaking gave Father Richardi 5,000 livres (about$ 1,000) to build a church and presbytery. 8 Father Armand de la Richardireturned to Quebec in 1755, where he died on March 17, 1758. The French settlers on the south side of the river, being included in St.Anne’s Parish, Detroit, were now transferred to the Huron mission, in orderto give Father Potter more financial support and also to give the farmers theadvantage of having a church of their own. The union of the Huron missionand the residents on the south side of the river created a new parish which was named L'Assumption du Detroit.
Father Sebastian Meurin arrived in Vincennes in 1749 and supervised the construction of a log church, St. Xavier. By 1750, St. Ange was issuing deeds for small grants of land in and near the settlement. Many Piankeshaw soon returned
The Riviere Aux Huron first appeared on a map drawn by Joseph Gaspard de Lery in 1749. It is shownon another French map dated 1752. Jean Baptiste Sanscrainte (John Soncrant) came from Quebec in 1765 and settled on the north bank of the river at present day West Jefferson. He sold this property to Gabriel Godfroy Son of Jacques in 1796.
Marie Louis le Franc was born in 1716, entered the Jesuit order in 1742, and arrived in Canada six years later. He was known to have been in Quebec in 1749, and probably came to Mackinac to succeed Father la Morinie, when the latter went to St. Josephs. Father le Franc's ministrations at Mackinac continued until 1761; he seems then to have retired to Quebec, where he died in 1776.-- Ed .
"With the year 1749 immigration took a new start, and so great was the increase of the inhabitants in Detroit that a larger church became a necessity; and in 1754 Father [Simple] Bocquet, who then had charge of the parish, determined that one should be erected,"
(I)-Jean Askin (b-1749), married, to Archange Barthe (b-1749) is living Fort Michilimacknic until 1779.
15 May 1786Deed from Potawatomie for land on the River Raisin; signed by 5 Indians with totems; witnessed by J. B. Sanscrainte and Francois Navarre. From Labadie Family Papers. (This is attributed to both Jean Baptiste Sanscrainte 1749-1822 and Jean Baptiste Romain dit Sanscrainte b.1754)
Deed pottawatomi Nation to Jacques Godefroy, 1776Hiram Walker Museum Collection Archives of Ontario
Reference Code: F 378, 20-100 pg 1 of 2
The white population increased from less than 500 in 1750 to more than 800 in 1765. Detroit had become the largest town between Montreal and New Orleans
Antoine de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac, governor of Louisiana, explored the lead region of southeastern Missouri in 1715 The French Were to found Sainte Genevieve, the first permanent white settlement in Missouri, about 1750

Missions and Métis Compiled By Kevin Lajiness 1660-1750. 1660 the Potawatomi were agricultural, and their movement south after 1680 was most likely motivated by a desire for better soil.
Nicolas PERROT d’ ABLANCOURT (1606-1664) was made member of the Academie Francaise in 1637 in Seat 20. In 1670 he was sent to the West by Frontenac to take formal possession for France.
The Algonkin remained important French allies until the French and Indian War (1755-63) and the summer of 1760. By then, the British had captured Quebec and were close to taking the last French stronghold at Montreal.
In 1665 Father Allouez, the founder of the principal western missions.
By 1665 all of the Potawatomi were living on Wisconsin's Door Peninsula.
About the year 1665 the French made peace with the Iroquois, and Lake Ontario and Lake Erie were opened up to settlers.
French estimated there were about 4,000 in 1667. All Potawatomi bands had gathered into four villages near Green Bay.
Cadillac ,convinced the French government to establish a fort Fort(Ponchartrain) and settlement at Detroit and set out in 1701 to accomplish.
The Ojibwe pushed down both sides of Lake Huron and by 1701 controlled most of lower
Michigan and southern Ontario.
Shortly after the French built Fort Ponchartrain at Detroit in 1701, groups of Potawatomi settled nearby.
Early Ontario RecordsVillage is an account of the settling of Detroit by the French in the years 1701 -1710. It includes directories of the original town in 1708
Detroit, which had been under French rule since 1701, surrendered to a British force in 1760, the year following the fall of Quebec.
Marquis de Vaudreuil who became Governor of Canada on August 1st 1703. In those days, Vaudreuil commandered several offensives against the English.
A suspicious fire broke out on October 5, 1703 in one of the barns, destroying the bastion, as well as Ste. Anne’s.
With the new church, a new official registry was started on February 2, 1704, with the baptism of Cadillac's infant daughter.
Pierre Du Roy, wife Marguerite Ouabankikoue (Miami Indian) d-1732.
Winters arrived and with fur traders' canoes sliding past the river outpost. By 1706 the fort not
only boasted the church, but it had a barracks for troops.
Launched work on the third Ste. Anne church in 1708.
Early Ontario Records(the French in the years 1701 -1710.) It includes directories of the original town in 1708 as well one as of everyone who lived in or visited the town in that period.
Roy, Marie Magdeleine, daughter of Pierre Roy, born May 25, 1710. She married Pierre Chesne dit La Butte, and died Oct, 20, 1732, aged 22
Jacques Rene de Brisay, Marquis de Denonville (1637-1710) governor of New France, in 1688 claimed some French are residing at Michillimackinac.
1710 FORT PONTCHARTRAIN du DETROIT 1700 -1710 Pierre Roy, was living among the Indians before Cadillac arrived, has a little slave Jacques Panis age 7-8 yrs.
Sagimah /Saguima [means medicine man in Odawa language; fl. 1707-1712] Odawa war chief from Michilimakinac; French ally.
Native Americans to side with the French against the [3] Spanish. In 1712 as Cadillac was removed under a cloud of greed and replaced by Dubuisson.
Cadillac finally came to Isle Dauphine (now Dauphin Island, Alabama) on June 5, 1713 to serve as Governor General of Louisiana. Cadillac built a large palisaded home in the area.
St. Anne’Spossesses one of the longest continuous church records in the United States. In 1714, the church was razed by the people of Fort Ponchartrain themselves.
Sieur de Bourgmont publishes first report on explorations of the Missouri River. 1714: Natchitoches, the oldest permanent settlement in Louisiana, is founded by Louis Juchereau.
1715: The French establish Fort Michilimackinac at the Straits of Mackinac.
Jean Olivier Briand, seventh bishop of Quebec, was born in 1715, ordained to the priesthood in 1739, and came to Canada as secretary of Bishop Pontbriand.
Fort Ponchartrain at Detroit in 1701, groups of Potawatomi settled nearby. By 1716 most Potawatomi villages were located in a area between Milwaukee to Detroit.
Natchitoches the oldest permanent settlement in Louisiana, is founded by Louis Juchereau de St. Denis. 1717: Official drafting of blacks begins in Louisiana. 1718: New Orleans is founded.
Francois-Marie Bissot was the son of Jean-Baptiste Bissot, Sieur de Vincennes. Jean-Baptiste was born in Quebec in 1688 and became Commandant of Post Miamis (present-day Fort Wayne, Indiana) in 1696. Francois-Marie, at age 18, joined his father in 1718. Upon the death of Jean-Baptiste in 1719, Francois-Marie took over his father's duties and responsibilities, becoming the next Sieur de Vincennes.
Nicholas ,born in 1776. CHESNE Chesne appears in the history of Detroit as early as 1717, in the records of Ste. Anne's parish. Pierre ,who married in 1676 in Montreal.
Pontiac or Obwandiyag (c. 1720 –April 20, 1769) was an Ottawa leader who became famous for his role in Pontiac's Rebellion.
Jean Romain dir Sanscrainte, born in the parish of St. Martial, Angouleme, France, in 1696, came to Canada and married at Montreal June 30, 1722, Mary Joseph Leblanc. The bride was the daughter of Julian Leblanc and Ann Vanier, and was born at Charlesbourg, June’ 7, 1693.
Ste. Anne de Detroit Catholic Churchchurch went for periods of time without a regular parish priest. In 1722 Father Bonaventure Lienard arrived for an assignment that would last thirty-two years.
Liste éclairAngoumois 1 1696 1696 ROMAN\SANSCRAINTE\JARRY Eure France -Notre-Dame,Montreal, 1 1722 1722 QUEBEC Mississippi Etats Unis d'Amérique -1 1737 1737 Montreal,Ile-de-Montreal.
Jean Baptiste Romain dii Sanscrainre, son of Jean Romain and Mary Joseph Leblanc, was born at Montreal, May 16, 1723, and married there, Feb. 25, 1754, Susanne Amable Deneau, daurhter of Andrew Deneau and Frances Boyer.
That church, which was located outside of the palisade, was torched in 1711 for defensive purposes during an uprising of the Fox Indians from Wisconsin. In 1723, Fr. Lienhard restored Ste. Anne’s. A fifth Ste. Anne’s was consecrated in 1755 and spared eight years later by a brilliant Ottawa chief, Pontiac, who had great respect for the white man’s God.
1723: New Orleans becomes the official capital of French Louisiana.
Pierre Moyne d'Iberville was governor of Louisiana from 1699 to 1702 His brother succeeded him from 1702 to 1713, and he himself was again governor from 1716 to 1724 and from 1733 to 1743.
January 7, 1760, I, * * * received the mutual consent of and gave the nuptial benediction to michel Boier and to josette margueritte de lignon, after the publication of three bans--in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and of others in attendance.
M. L. Lefranc , Miss. Of the society of Jesus. Mr. Lamarque; michelle Boyer; jean romain dit Sanscrainte; sejourne; Bourassa; farly; langlade; la faintessie; René Bourassa , fils; Bourassa; Langlade; amable Chaboilllez; rené bourassa , petit-fils.
In 1726, the government of Louisiana made plans to fortify the Wabash and Ohio River valleys by building a fort on the lower Wabash (Ouabache) River.
Rene Boucher, sieur de La Perriere: On 6 june 1727 the First Sioux Trading Company is formed in Montreal, with the company including; Beauharnois, Longueuil, Lacorne, d'Aigremont, St.George, Dupre, Youville, Dillay-Dumay, Marin, Petit, Garreau, Campeau, de May, Richard, Jean Bte.Boucher de Montbrun & Francois Boucher de Montbrun. Between May & June the following were hired for the "poste des Sioux": Estienne Blot, Francois Poulin de Francheville, Francois Lefebrve, Louis Lapron, Claude Marin, & Charles Boissel. On 16 june, the trading expedition sets out from Montreal with Rene Boucher, sieur de La Perriere (Commander), Pierre Boucher de Boucherville (Rene's nephew) [Consolidated Docket] , La Jemeraye, Maurice Menard (interpreter), Jesuit Rev.Michael Guignas & Jesuit Rev.Nicolas de Gonner.
Its origin is connected with a mission of Hurons or Wyandottes
which was founded in 1728 by Father Armand de la Richardie, a
Jesuit, who had previously started a mission of the Hurons at
Detroit to the number of six hundred, all of whom he had converted.
In 1803 the parish was called the Assumption of La Pointe-de-Montreal
or L'Assumption du Detroit.
Chesne, Pierre. Son of shove Pierre Chesne. He had two wives; first on May 25, 1728, he married Marie Magdellne Roy,
a daughter of Pierre Roy; this marriage took place at Fort St. Phillipe, village of the Miamis. She died of smallpox Oct. 20, 1732, and in 1726 he married his second wife, Louise Barrois, daughter of Francois Lothenane dit Barrois; and Marianne Sauvage. Pierre Chesne was an interpreter and sometimes called La Butte. He was born about 1697.
February 24: British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Marie Catherine daughter (III)-Pierre Chesne dit Labutte born 1729 and (IV)-Marie Anne Cuillerier born 1730.
Suzanne Amable Deneau, bap 31 Aug 1729 Montral PQ; d. after 10 Aug 1784.
January 1, British Fort Detroit (Michigan), birth, (IV)-Catherine Bourdeau daughter (III)-Joseph Bourdeau dit L'Lle-Ronde, habitant de la Cote Nord-est, born 1730, died 1793 married 1760 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), (III)-Marie Louise Clermont et Dvbord born 1645 daughter Louis Clermont; Catherine married January 28, 1793 British Fort Detroit (Michigan), Augustin Lafoy.
Suzanne Amable8 Deniau, bap 31 Aug 1729 Montral PQ; d. after 10 Aug 1784.
A prominent family of Detroit, whose ancestor arrived there in 1730. Thérèse Bondy afterwards married Col. Jacques Godefroy of Detroit.
Antoine Laumet, dit de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac (March 5, 1658 –October 15, 1730).
Louisiana (New France) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNew France. In the 1660s, the colony was royal property. Between 1712 and 1731, the French possession came under the control of Antoine Crozat ,a rich businessman
The French government established the Poste on the Ouabache in 1731. The fort was finished in 1732 and the Sieur de Vincennes officially founded the site.
Forts of Vincennes, Indiana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaacting under the authority of the French colony of Louisiana, constructed the fort in 1731-1732. The outpost was designed to secure the lower Wabash Valley for France.
Hurons first missionary was Father Armand de la Richardi who arrived at Detroit in
1728. After several years of discouragement he was successful in converting
most of them. A report made in 1733 states that a church and a house for the
priest had been built.
War broke out between the French and the Chickasaw in 1733. In 1735, Louisiana Governor Bienville made plans to trap the Chickasaws between the forces of the French and Indians and rid the Mississippi Valley of British traders. Vincennes was to join Pierre d'Arteguette (commandant of the northern army, from Fort de Chartres) and eventually meet up with Bienville's army. D'Arteguette set out with the assembled forces, not having received the message that Bienville had to delay his march. D'Argaguette and Vincennes arrived at the Prud'homme Bluffs, received a report of the delay and made plans to attack an isolated Chickasaw camp. Instead, they were overcome by a surprise force of 400-500 Chickasaws. D'Artaguette, Vincennes and Father Antoine Senat (a Jesuit priest) were captured, totured and burned at the stake.
It was named Fort Vincennes in honor of Vincennes, who was captured and burned at the stake during a war with the Chickasaw nation in 1735. In 1736, Louis Groston de Bellerive de St. Ange assumed command of the post.
Marianne , who married in 1734 to Pierre Belleperche the son of Pierre and Gertrude(Du-Buisson Guyon) , said to be a relative of Cadillac.
Chesne appears in the history of Detroit as early as 1717, in the
records of Ste. Anne's parish. Pierre, who married in 1676 in Montreal, to Jeanne Bailly, and had two sons, Charles and Pierre, who came to Detroit in 1717. They both
occupied active positions in the colony. Pierre Chesne the other son to arrive in Detroit, married in 1728 to Madelieine Roy, also in 1736 to Louise Lothman de Barrois. Pierre was also called La Butte, though St Onge was the proper title. Many of his descendants were only known as La Butte. He also held office as an interpreter for a number of years. All of his children died unmarried except Pierre Toussainte. He died in 1774, and his wife Agathe, remarried to William Sterling.
The Ojibwe Following the French fur trade west during the 1720s, they moved beyond Lake Superior and into a war with the Dakota (Sioux) in 1737.
ROMAN\SANSCRAINTE Marie-Louise (1737 Montreal,,,Ile-de-Montreal,QUEBEC)
Charles Robin, born at St. Thomas, Canada, in 1738, married Marie Anne Roy, died at Kaskaskia, June 8, 1779.
ASKIN (Erskine) JOHN ,fur trader, merchant, office holder, and militia officer; b. 1739 in Aughnacloy (Northern Ireland) son of James Askin, a shopkeeper, and Alice Rea.
Olivier Briand, seventh bishop of Quebec, was born in 1715, ordained to the priesthood in 1739, and came to Canada as secretary of Bishop Pontbriand.
The movement of families across the Susquehanna River, into the western regions that had not been formally purchased from the Indians began around 1740.
Father Richardi followed the Hurons to Sandusky, and by 1741 had persuaded them to return to Detroit and the village at the mouth of the river.
Louise Clotilde who was born in 1741 and married in 1758 to Jacques Godefroy de Marbeouf. She died in 1762, leaving one son, Gabriel.
The Piankeshaw granted over 1 1/2 million acres in the area to the French in 1742. Father Sebastian Meurin arrived in Vincennes in 1749 and supervised the construction of a log church, St. Xavier.
In 1742 the Huron village was removed to Bois Blanc Island, opposite Amherstburg
Father Peter Potier,the last of the Jesuit missionaries to the Huron Indians, 1744-1781.Father Potier survived the French Government in Canada, and underBritish rule exercised the functions of the first pastor of the
parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, Sandwich.
The 334-page roster of births, deaths, baptisms, marriages and other church benchmarks from 1704 to 1744 now rests in the archives of the Archdiocese of Detroit. church registry was devoted to the baptisms of Native Americans, principally members of the Huron Nation.
Pontiac was an Ottawa war leader by 1747, when he allied himself with New France against a resistance movement led by Nicholas Orontony, a Huron leader. Pontiac continued to support the French during the French and Indian War (1754–1763).
On May 20, 1747, some Hurons under Chief Nicolas killed five French. men near Grosse Isle whom they caught stealing furs.
American seaboard colonies, who organized the Ohio Company in 1747 for the purpose of extending the Virginia settlements westward.
John Powell from Paxtang PA (Will 1748, witnessed by Thomas McKee And john Allison Indian traders)
The Hurons, who were not in sympathy with the conspiracy,sent a delegation to the Governor at Quebec, requesting that Father Richardi,who had great control over the Indians, be sent to the mission. The Governoragreed, and the expedition left on August 23, reaching Detroit on October20. Chief Nicolas having died the conspiracy soon ended, and order was oncemore restored. The Commandant decided that he could maintain bettercontrol of the Indians if they were nearer the fort, and ordered Father Potierto leave the village at Bois Blanc and establish it at Point de Montréal, on thesouth side of the river. This was in the fall of 1747. The location of thevillage and mission at Bois Blanc is distinctly marked on a map by M. deLery, junior, dated 1752, on which is the following notation: “In this vicinityvillages of the Hurons, abandoned in 1748.” The First Church at Point de Montreal. This log church was completed in the fall of 1750. The Governor atQuebec was anxious to have the Hurons settled in the new location, and inorder to assist in the undertaking gave Father Richardi 5,000 livres (about$ 1,000) to build a church and presbytery. 8 Father Armand de la Richardireturned to Quebec in 1755, where he died on March 17, 1758. The French settlers on the south side of the river, being included in St.Anne’s Parish, Detroit, were now transferred to the Huron mission, in orderto give Father Potter more financial support and also to give the farmers theadvantage of having a church of their own. The union of the Huron missionand the residents on the south side of the river created a new parish which was named L'Assumption du Detroit.
Father Sebastian Meurin arrived in Vincennes in 1749 and supervised the construction of a log church, St. Xavier. By 1750, St. Ange was issuing deeds for small grants of land in and near the settlement. Many Piankeshaw soon returned
The Riviere Aux Huron first appeared on a map drawn by Joseph Gaspard de Lery in 1749. It is shownon another French map dated 1752. Jean Baptiste Sanscrainte (John Soncrant) came from Quebec in 1765 and settled on the north bank of the river at present day West Jefferson. He sold this property to Gabriel Godfroy Son of Jacques in 1796.
Marie Louis le Franc was born in 1716, entered the Jesuit order in 1742, and arrived in Canada six years later. He was known to have been in Quebec in 1749, and probably came to Mackinac to succeed Father la Morinie, when the latter went to St. Josephs. Father le Franc's ministrations at Mackinac continued until 1761; he seems then to have retired to Quebec, where he died in 1776.-- Ed .
"With the year 1749 immigration took a new start, and so great was the increase of the inhabitants in Detroit that a larger church became a necessity; and in 1754 Father [Simple] Bocquet, who then had charge of the parish, determined that one should be erected,"
(I)-Jean Askin (b-1749), married, to Archange Barthe (b-1749) is living Fort Michilimacknic until 1779.
15 May 1786Deed from Potawatomie for land on the River Raisin; signed by 5 Indians with totems; witnessed by J. B. Sanscrainte and Francois Navarre. From Labadie Family Papers. (This is attributed to both Jean Baptiste Sanscrainte 1749-1822 and Jean Baptiste Romain dit Sanscrainte b.1754)
Deed pottawatomi Nation to Jacques Godefroy, 1776Hiram Walker Museum Collection Archives of Ontario
Reference Code: F 378, 20-100 pg 1 of 2
The white population increased from less than 500 in 1750 to more than 800 in 1765. Detroit had become the largest town between Montreal and New Orleans
Antoine de La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac, governor of Louisiana, explored the lead region of southeastern Missouri in 1715 The French Were to found Sainte Genevieve, the first permanent white settlement in Missouri, about 1750

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